• Join the IsaBody Challenge!

Meet Your 2019 U.S. IsaBody Challenge Finalists!

2019-06-03T15:19:51-07:00By |Tags: , , , , |

During each 16-week Challenge, we have the honor of watching as our participants achieve life-changing, total-body transformations, and we’re so proud of everyone who participated in our latest Challenge. Everybody absolutely killed it, which made this Judging Period one of our most difficult yet. Meet the 15 incredible individuals who qualified as Judging Period 4 U.S. IsaBody Challenge Finalists!

How Christine Gets Stronger Every Single Day

2019-01-10T08:49:40-07:00By |Tags: , , , , |

Before Isagenix, Christine was simply existing. She wasn’t happy, felt humiliated about her weight, and had fallen into the trap we all know too well: the constant comparison to others. This left Christine uncomfortable in her own skin and with absolutely no self-love. Her own health had fallen low on her list of priorities until one day, she decided enough was enough.

  • build listening tools

5 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Sharing Isagenix

2018-11-30T15:22:17-07:00By |Tags: , , , , |

Sharing can be hard. When I was a little kid, I was always told to share my toys and candy, and if I refused, my mom would give me the evil eye. It was a tough decision, but I usually caved at the first mention of “I’ll get your Dad!” Luckily, sharing Isagenix isn’t like that. Read on to discover five ways to overcome your fear of sharing Isagenix.

  • Meet Robin & Kenya

Customers Featured in PEOPLE’s ‘Half Their Size’!

2018-11-05T16:20:49-07:00By |Tags: , , , , , |

We all know losing weight isn’t easy, whether it’s 5 pounds, 10 pounds, or 100 pounds. It takes hard work and determination and even more perseverance when things get tough and you just want to give up. But, what if you lost even more than 100 pounds or lost half your body weight? It might sound impossible, but we know two women who proved it can be done.

  • Raspberry Cheesecake Shake

5 Reasons Dessert Is Perfect for Weight Loss

2018-10-23T14:16:56-07:00By |Tags: , , , , |

There are so many protein shake and meal replacement flavors beyond vanilla and chocolate. Great taste is a universal language, and we expect our food, healthy or not, to satisfy our taste buds. And for what food is that truer of than dessert? Even before the first appetizer hits the table, dessert is the course on our minds.