


  • Woman vacuuming while smiling and sitting on the couch

How To Make Spring-Cleaning Fun

April 1st, 2021|

Spring-cleaning, fun? Yes, it IS possible! Whether you crank up the tunes or break your to-do list into tasks, you’ll get your casa clean in no time.

Transform Your Thinking With Strong Thoughts

March 18th, 2021|

I’m excited to share a tool with you that helps people redirect negative thoughts to positive ones, rather than trying to suppress them. Many people say this is an effective way to feel and perform better quickly.

Silence the Inner Critic, Discover the Inner Coach

February 12th, 2021|

Consider a high-performing musician who in her quest for perfectionism is painfully self-critical each time she makes a mistake. Is that internal, criticizing voice the key to her success? What if there was a better, more sustainable way to bring out the same, or an even higher level, of excellence?

Why Heart Health Hits Home

February 11th, 2021|

It's American Heart Month, and we're sharing why everyone should be celebrating. Read on to see how you can support your heart health.