Michelle Oeltjen
Meet Your 2023 U.S. Judging Period 3 IsaBody® Finalists
Looking for inspiration to boost your overall wellbeing? Our 2023 U.S. Judging Period 3 IsaBody® Finalists know exactly what it takes to dream big, set their goals, and take action. Each will receive $3,000 and a chance to become the US IsaBody Grand Prize Winner!
Read more about their individual journeys and what drives them to push through plateaus.

Vincetta Coffey
Chicago, IL
Age: 40
Total Weight Gain: 22 pounds*
Challenges Completed: 14
Start. Compete. Repeat. That’s Vincetta Coffey’s mantra, and it’s gotten her through 14 IsaBody Challenges.
Vincetta readily admits changing her lifestyle has not been easy. However, when she looks back on the person she was before she ever started her first IsaBody, to who she is today, she wouldn’t change it for the world. She wasn’t in good shape mentally or physically in 2017, but she became a healthy role model for her family thanks to IsaBody.
“I’ve come a long way and traveled a hard path, but I will continue to be an example of what can happen if you show up for yourself and commit every day.”

Sara O’Bannon
Omaha, NE
Age: 60
Total Weight Loss: 71 pounds*
Challenges Completed: 9
Never tell Sara she can’t do something. Case in point, several years ago, her doctor told her she’d never walk unassisted again. She was also told she had diabetes and would need to start on insulin.
Instead, she chose to start the Isagenix nutrition system and cut out gluten. Next, she started water aerobics to gradually strengthen unused muscles. Eventually, she was able to add in leg presses, and walk the treadmill and track with a cane. With patience and determination, she worked her way to walking a full mile, with no assistance!
Unfortunately, Covid got in the way. “I had a goal to run a 5K race, but Covid set me back in 2021 and I regained 85 of the 100 pounds I lost.”
She pushed onward, determined not to let this setback run her off course. She kept drinking her IsaLean® Pro Shakes, did 2 Cleanse Days every few weeks, and focused on increasing her protein with high-quality meats and seafood. And now, it’s paid off. At a recent doctor’s visit, they confirmed that because of her weight loss, she not only beat back diabetes; she also has normal cholesterol levels.
Sara recently did her first 5K race in 15 years. Given her physical issues, she wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to accomplish this goal. She hopes her story gives others hope no matter the battles they are facing!

Michelle Dean
Tacoma, WA
Age: 31
Total Weight Loss: 75 pounds*
Challenges Completed: 9
When it comes to her body, Michelle has learned to listen to what it’s telling her. When she started this challenge, her sister visited Seattle for the first time. Naturally, she wanted to take her to all her new favorite local eating places. Two weeks later, she and her husband visited family in their hometown, and she stopped at all her old favorite places. Nostalgia may be powerful, but her vacation made her realize how many poor decisions she made when it came to fueling her body.
Despite all the temptations during this challenge, Michelle managed to stick with the Shake Day schedule (cutting it down to one shake a day while on vacation), listening to her body, and cleansing when it told her it was time. “While I may not have religiously stuck with the plan, I’ve learned to listen to my body more and appreciate what it’s telling me I need.”
Even though she’s been incredibly hard on herself for indulging, Michelle’s learning to appreciate the journey. “I’ve undergone an amazing lifestyle change, and I am incredibly grateful for the changes I’ve made. I’ve come this far; I’m not going to let old bad habits creep back in!”

Eduardo Gonzalez
Oswego, IL
Age: 48
Total Weight Loss: 103 pounds*
Challenges Completed: 7
After falling asleep at the wheel on the way to vacation with his wife and three kids in the car, Eduardo knew he needed a big lifestyle change. His doctor suggested he do gastric bypass surgery. But Eduardo didn’t like that idea. “I’ve never been good at listening.” He’d already lost 30 pounds with the Isagenix System, so he decided to see how much further he could go.
Now, down over 170 pounds without surgery, Eduardo’s a member of the 100-pound club and still losing weight! From a life of sickness, disappointment, and being passed over for promotions because you’re too big to fit in the manhole, he’s now finished his seventh IsaBody Challenge. He’s not only hit his goal weight but surpassed it!
Eduardo’s now a Director with Isagenix, on his way to Executive, and helping so many friends and family achieve their health goals as well. “I love this company and am so blessed to have conquered my lifetime nemesis—me!”

David Noonan
Jeffersonville, IN
Age: 59
Total Weight Loss: 7 pounds*
Challenges Completed: 28
David never thought the IsaBody Challenge would be for him. He was always in good shape and figured this contest was just about losing weight.
However, on the brink of his 50th birthday, a debilitating bout with nerve compression and subsequent spinal surgery massively deteriorated his physical condition. Not one to be deterred, that same year he was awarded the Healthy Aging category winner in the 2013 challenge.
This latest challenge was no easier for David. Plagued by a long-standing lower back injury, he had to slow down considerably. He was unable to train or do many of the physical things he normally did. He limited running and yoga and was even forced to give up his golf game temporarily.
His sedentary lifestyle took an emotional toll on him. The surgery on his lower back completely took him out of the workout game due to the pain and long recovery time.
Through it all, he flooded his body with superior nutrition. Now 10 months post-op, his road to recovery is near complete.
“I knew that my surgery was going to be a success and that I was going to get my body back and use IsaBody to get me there. I have effectively recovered and am very happy with where I am today. Not only with my recovery, but with the reshaping of my physique.” Plus, he can golf again!
Be one of our next IsaBody Finalists!
Whether your wellbeing goals are to stay lean, build muscle, or simply be more active, the IsaBody Challenge can help you get there. Register today and discover how you can transform your life in 16 weeks.
*Weight loss, muscle gain, lifestyle, and other results depicted here reflect exceptional individual experiences and should not be construed as typical or average. Participants in a 2016 study showed weight loss of 24 pounds after 12 weeks of the cleansing and fat-burning system. Results vary with individual effort, body composition, eating patterns, time, exercise, and other factors. If you are pregnant, nursing, diabetic, on medication, have a medical condition, or on a weight control program, consult your physician before beginning any fitness plan or attempting to lose weight.