Madi Allred
3 Must Try Wellness Trends This Summer
Summer is just around the corner! This year, we’re getting ready for summer—not by losing weight in unhealthy ways—but by learning wellness habits that improve health overall. So, bust out those bikinis and swim trunks because you’re swimsuit ready no matter what!
Today, we’re sharing 3 of our favorite wellness trends this summer.

Practice Sustainability
One of our favorite wellness trends for 2022 goes beyond just taking care of you and your family. It helps the earth and its inhabitants! Here are some easy ways to mindfully practice sustainability as it gets warmer.
Switch Out Your Products
As you’re stocking up on sunscreen, water, and snacks this summer, consider how you can reduce waste. Look for products with packaging that can be easily recycled. There are a lot of quality brands that are specifically created to make sustainable products. You can find almost anything made of recycled materials from sneakers to toothbrushes!
Re-Use Rather Than Re-Buy!
One of the best ways to practice sustainability is by giving the things you buy as much life as possible. Instead of consistently buying bottled water, drastically reduce your plastic waste by buying a cheap water filter and reusable water bottle. You can also keep the plastic containers or glass jars your food comes in for crafts, organization, food storage, and so much more.
Buy Secondhand
Have you ever heard the saying, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”? This is a great mindset to have when trying to help your environment! Next time you need something new, whether it be fabric, clothes, a bike, or anything else, see what you can find secondhand before buying new. You might be surprised by what you find!

New Ways to Workout
New technology comes out every year. Since our world has shifted to being more at home, fitness technology has adapted. How can it be incorporated into your wellness routine?
Digital Workouts are the New Gym Membership
If you find getting to the gym the hardest part of working out, going digital might be perfect for you. Digital workouts are one of the most popular wellness trends this summer! Try heading to your favorite video streaming platform and see what they have to offer. Usually, you don’t even have to pay to access full workout videos! Click Here for a few ideas to help get you started.
Technology Upgrades to Health Tracking
If you have any kind of smart watch or step tracker, you’ll be excited for this wellness trend. Multiple companies have been taking revolutionary steps to improve at-home workouts. Things from fitness mirrors to smart treadmills, and more! The fitness industry is switching up how you move at home.

Finding Better Balance
Last, but not least, gone are the days of overloading yourself! One of the most popular wellness trends this summer is giving yourself a break. Find ways to better balance your life. Do you find yourself with too many responsibilities and not enough time to rest? It may be time to take a step back and look at what could be adjusted. As they say, “you can’t pour from an empty bucket”.
Regardless of how you choose to practice wellness this summer, you’re valid! Take some time for yourself in the sunshine and beautiful outdoors!