Trista Sobeck
Spotlight on Steve Rosales,
IT Program Manager
Steve Rosales has enjoyed a varied journey into the field of Information Technology. A lot of people start with schooling in one area, then find something else. Some people find their passions early. Steve’s experience was a bit of both.
“I originally wanted to be in the medical field,” he says. “Then I started at a help desk trouble shooting various payment machines” he explains. “I soon got into more of the implementation aspect of programs and software,” he explains. From there, it just seemed that he found his calling. “I got into program management and really focused on that as my career,” he says.
It wasn’t long until Steve went back to school to earn his master’s degree in business. His undergrad was in e business, but he wanted to expand his business background. “I’ve worked in many different industries,” he explains, “from the financial industry to software engineering, and now at an MLM,” he says. “The skillset I have as a PM is transferable and interchangeable,” he explains.
“I have been with Isagenix for a little over three years and really like the culture,” he says. “Everyone I work with is so approachable.” Steve claims himself as someone who is outgoing and extremely sociable. The technology field isn’t really known for being filled with extroverts, but this is where Steve says he shines.

“I look at myself as a bit of a translator between the business side and the technology side,” he explains. He volunteers at the in-person events to understand the experience that the Associates and Customers have with our technology systems.
“Those in technology don’t get exposure to those folks as much as maybe someone in field marketing,” he says. “But I find it very helpful and rewarding to learn first-hand about what they experience.” No doubt it helps from a technology perspective as well.
Steve comes by his philosophy of helping people very honestly. “My grandma and Nana would always greet anyone who came into their home and offer them food and drink and even though they would decline, they were somehow able to get food into their stomachs,” he says of his experience growing up.
“My mom’s parents only spoke Spanish, but my brothers and I were able to learn enough to be able to communicate with each other every time we would visit,” he continues. I would enjoy these times with my Nana and Tata. “They didn’t have much when they raised my mom and her brothers and sisters but had a garden in the back yard and my Nana would make most of their food from scratch,” he remembers. He’s fairly sure this is where his outgoing personality stemmed from.
“Some of my uncles and aunts had their own businesses and they wouldn’t let anyone discourage them from what they wanted to do. I believe it was this trait that I inherited that drove me to obtain my college degrees,” he explains. “I knew at a very early age that I wanted to go to college. There were only a few of my aunts and uncles that had obtained a post high school education, so this was very important to me,” he says.
It’s not surprising that Steve started out his professional career by wanting to just help people. Steve found a way to take that passion into the technology and business arena. Thanks for being a helper, Steve.
*Isagenix Social Impact Report, 2020-2021