3 Tools to Help You Transform Your Body
Whether it’s your first IsaBody Challenge® or your 15th, transformations take hard work, dedication, and most importantly, support. Taking advantage of IsaBody™ support tools such as the IsaBody Guide, IsaBody [...]
Customers Featured in PEOPLE ‘Half Their Size’ Issue!
Losing half your weight is not an easy task. Just ask Isagenix Customers and 100-Pound Club members Robin Janes and Kenya LaShelle Elliot. Both were recently featured in PEOPLE’s “Half [...]
Father of Four Transforms Into Fitness Competitor
A struggle with weight haunted Hans Heymans for most of his life, and working a desk job for years as an adult didn’t help his waistline either. Instead of attempting [...]
Overweight Mom Sticks With Her Challenge, Loses 100 Pounds
Most of her life, Tara McGinty was overweight. She would try to lose weight, have some success, but would eventually gain it all back. After she gave birth to her [...]
Announcing Your NYKO 2018 Finalists!
We’ve approached the end of another IsaBody Challenge®, and this judging period uncovered some remarkable finalists! These five individuals dedicated 16 weeks to their transformation, and their hard work has paid [...]
Workout Tips: No Gym Required
You've heard the expression: "Where there's a will, there's a way." When it comes to exercise, there are many ways to make it happen. No gym? No problem. No equipment? Yes, you do have some! Your own body can be your "equipment." These tips for working out with or without a gym can help you stay on track with your goals.