Unlocking the Power of Intention
Hi, Isagenix family! My name is Lauren Simmons, and my partnership with the Wellbeing Collective is all about your relationship with your mind, your body, and your money. Emphasis on the money!
I believe making more money is actually quite easy. It takes work, and it takes something that might surprise you: belief. If you can change your mindset (and keep it changed), you can truly become limitless in any and every way.
How Intention Impacted My Life Story
In one year of my own life, I went from making $12,076 to making over $185,000.* Often when I look back on that year, which is also the year I made history at the New York Stock Exchange, I think, “I manifested that?” At the start of that year, I was working on the trading floor and barely making enough to breathe in New York City, though I woke up loving my job every day.
But I wanted more. I wanted to travel, I wanted more freedom, and I wanted more money. I’m here to tell you it’s alright to want more. Don’t be afraid of wanting more and setting an intention to get it.
I remember I called up my mom and told her all this — I told her how I was going to make it happen, and then I went to work. But magic seemed to happen as I was working. In less than three months, I got my first speaking engagement in the British Islands, and then in China, Germany, and Ireland, and on from there. I believe that belief is a necessary step to make it happen.
Which brings me to the power of intention. Every week at the beginning of the week, I set an intention. Something about saying the words, “I intend to (fill in the blank)” sets so many unseen things into motion. My power of intention is what guided me to the NYSE and making history. It’s what guided me to my amazing life. It’s what carries me throughout the year.
My Yearly Intentions for 2021

I intend to laugh more, and often. I think you should as well. Every day, we should be laughing. If we are in a place where we can smile and laugh, we can escape the “woe is me” mentality. No more of that!
Laughter is the physical manifestation of feeling good — a laugh is the act of feeling good. And if we are in a place where we feel good, our outlook on life is likely to be positive as well. If we go through a day without one single laugh, it’s a reality check that we need to readjust. I don’t care if it is the worst of days.

I intend to journal every day. I think you should as well. Working to improve my mind is a consistent thing that can’t be let up. Your mind is a muscle. You have to form a habit.
Every day of the last six months, I’ve managed to write in my journal, even during the mayhem of 2020, and I believe this one practice has been instrumental to the success of my year. It’s about gratitude. Even if it’s just one sentence saying something I am grateful for.
Eventually, I can’t wait to get to a place where every hour on the hour, I stop and take a deep breath and make a mental note of something I am grateful for, but I am not there yet. However, ending my day with a journal entry, even if it’s just one sentence, heightens my energy and helps me stay open to receiving inspiration.

I intend to make time to be still. This is slightly different from journaling. This is anything that puts you in a place of being quiet, meditative, and reflective.
I’ve found that the best decisions are always made from a place of stillness, which is why I think we should all make a daily intention to spend some time there. For me, I find stillness in hiking, meditating, working out, or even having a solo dance party. These are all important activities for wellbeing on their own, but I think what makes them so good for you is the way they encourage stillness — that quiet, powerful moment that all the best ideas come from.

I intend to read one book a week. I know we all say we don’t have time, but whatever you put your energy into will manifest. Reading, like journaling, is so important because your mind is a muscle. And there are so many exciting ideas out there.
I’m always wanting to be in an improvement mindset. When people are trying to get better, good things happen to them. I truly believe that. And it’s easier now than ever to read, even if it’s just listening to an audiobook. There are so many great books out there.
Set Your Intentions for the Upcoming Year
In my next article, we’re going to take a hard look at your relationship with money, so get ready for that. But I just wanted to start out with what’s closest to my heart, the power of intention. So follow along with me, get out your pen and paper, and write down your power of intention for 2021.
Try to visualize it. Feel good while you write it out. I pick a scene in my mind that lights me up, like the beach picture below. The beach is my great escape, and any chance I get to be at the beach, I make it happen. When I’m meditating, I love being in this place of gratitude and feeling good. I feel so good standing next to the ocean.
So what is your happy place? What do you envision, smell, and feel? Get as detailed as possible with this movie that plays in your head. Enjoy this! And have an incredible, kick-ass 2021. I’ll be having one right alongside you!
*The income level discussed here is not related to any activities with Isagenix, and the income and timeframe presented is not an example of what an Isagenix Independent Associate should expect to earn with Isagenix. The ability to earn income under the Isagenix Compensation Plan depends on many factors, including an individual Isagenix Independent Associate’s business, social, and sales skills; personal ambition and activity; availability of time and financial resources; and access to a large network of family, friends, and business contacts. Isagenix cannot and does not guarantee any particular level of earnings. Even Associates who dedicate a significant amount of time, effort, and personal funds may not achieve a meaningful level of success. For average earnings, refer to IsagenixEarnings.com.