Every IsaBody Challenge participant faces an uphill battle that calls for determination, discipline, commitment, and resolve. This year’s challenge demands the same physical and mental fortitude, but with the added pressures and obstacles we’ve all faced over the last year.
The past year has thrown us off our routine, brought on added stress, and caused many of us to be bunkered down at home. This is a perfect recipe for many of us (myself included) to put our fitness on the back burner and gain a little unwanted weight.
Which makes what the Judging Period 1 Finalists in our 2022 Canada Judging IsaBody Challenge were able to achieve that much more extraordinary and inspirational! These wellness warriors have answered the call to change their lives! They’re now running downhill into the end of a challenging year with the perspective that can only come from proving to yourself how much you can achieve in the face of adversity. Let’s get to know them a bit better and what has earned them a spot as a finalist.
Barb Thompson 
Victoria, British Columbia
Age: 48
Height: 5’6″
Total Weight Loss: 21 pounds*
Challenges Completed: 14
Persistence pays off for this hockey mum!
Meet Barb, who started her journey with Isagenix over twelve years ago. Feeling lethargic and unable to sleep soundly, she finally decided to see a doctor who told her it was probably just her age. Refusing to settle for that, she did what any normal human would do: Google her symptoms.
With a bit of research, she discovered her body might be full of toxins and made it her mission to find the best cleansing product on the market. The universe was working its magic. The next night at her son’s hockey practice, some of the other parents talked about how much energy they had after doing a cleanse, so she decided to try it. With the 9-Day Cleanse package, she had remarkable success and continued trying additional Isagenix products to maintain her loss.
Unfortunately, the universe was up to its tricks again. This time, throwing in a 40th birthday (aka a lower metabolism), two surgeries over 3-4 years, and a hamstring injury. Mix all that together and surprise! Barb was still gaining weight, despite how hard she worked out (sometimes three times a day!) and how healthy she ate.
But Barb knew how to outsmart the universe. She signed up for the IsaBody Challenge, and the rest is history.
“I thought to myself, ‘Why am I not taking full advantage of this awesome product that I have been taking for eight years now?'”
She’s now completed fourteen, yes 14, IsaBody Challenges. Along the way, she’s lost weight, gained a new outlook on life, and became an Isagenix Independent Associate who’s going places.
“I lost all this weight and was feeling awesome. Getting paid for feeling and looking incredible was the cherry on top! What a fantastic thing it is to earn money for being healthy and full of energy!”
Jackie Hayford 
Dunsford, Ontario
Age: 32
Height: 5’6″
Total Weight Loss: 16 pounds*
Challenges Completed: 5
“Know your limits,” says this Isagenix product enthusiast!
Jackie had a lot on her plate over the past four months. Home renovations had her family living in a construction zone for almost three months, plus looking after two children and balancing her workload. All this was pushing her anxiety and stress limits.
But instead of breaking down with how intense, busy, and crazy things were, Jackie is proud of how she was able to deal with all of this.
“I look back, and I realize just how well I handled everything and didn’t let myself get overwhelmed.” Her secret weapon? Isagenix products!
“I honestly can’t imagine how I would have dealt with it all without my Isagenix products. The stress would have been way too much for my body to handle without all our superfoods and adaptogens. “says Jackie.
Jackie has also realized how much better in tune she is with her body since starting her Isagenix journey and can now really see the importance of knowing her limits and taking a strategic time to rest and recharge.
“I started feeling like I wasn’t having fun in my workouts, and it was feeling more and more like a chore. So, I let myself have a break from exercising. I caught up on my sleep and gave myself some grace, and it did wonders for me. I started right back up with my workouts in January feeling fresh and ready and am right back up to full strength in my weight exercises and have even pushed some exercises further!”
Jack is so much stronger mentally after taking a break and has no regrets about the decision.
“I am ready to crush my next challenge and really push myself.”
Jackie says being named an IsaBody honorable mention was the best motivation she could ever have received for this next challenge and is so grateful for these products and this community!
Way to be a walking talking example of how investing in rest can really pay off!
Jason Butz 
Calgary, Alberta
Age: 47
Height: 5’10”
Total Weight Loss: 23 pounds*
Challenges Completed: 1
Jason came into this challenge with some enormous mental and physical hurdles. His father had passed away in March at 73, and it was an eye–opener for him. At 46 years old, Jason was a smoker; he was overweight and barely able to get through the day. He was depressed and had just been diagnosed with NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) and had borderline low testosterone.
“I felt worried about my own future and health, not just for me but for my family.”
It was time to make a change. A father of 4, Jason was determined to be there for his family. Driven by the motivation of losing his dad, he entered the IsaBody Challenge. He began using Isagenix products and it changed his life and helped him achieve goals he never thought possible! Since starting the IsaBody Challenge, Jason has quit smoking. He believes that Isagenix has given him the nutritional support, the mental focus, and that little bit of extra motivation to quit for good!
“My mood, my stamina, my sense of wellbeing is so much better now. I can again enjoy a full and active life with my family, especially with my kids!”
After the first week, Jason started to spread the word about Isagenix because he firmly believed in the products and systems and quickly advanced to crystal manager in just two short months. He has found joy in helping others in their transformations, something he truly feels he was meant to do.
Jason’s wife has seen her own fantastic transformation too, with 20lbs lost!” We have done this together, and it has allowed us to reconnect and support each other from the start,” says Jason.
“I turned 47 in September, and as I was surrounded by family, playing some basketball outside with my kids, I took a moment to look up and think how great I felt and that I know my dad would be proud!”
“The sky is the limit! For now, I will pat myself on the back and look forward to the next IsaBody Challenge! Bring it on!”
Bring it on, indeed.
Lori Crandall 
West Vancouver, British Columbia
Age: 54
Height: 5’3″
Total Weight Loss: 15 pounds*
Challenges Completed: 6
When you can’t find the light, be the light.
Lori was so excited to start this journey after six months of isolation–induced unhealthy habits. She felt like she needed a kickstart back to all-around health.
“I was looking at photos from 2013, back when I first started with Isagenix to lose weight for my upcoming wedding and longed for that body once again. Over the years, I had let myself go. My eating habits were terrible, I was drinking a little too much. I was unhappy with my body; I didn’t sleep well, my skin was looking awful. I asked myself: why can’t I have that body once again? ”
It turned out that an email about a new Isagenix 30-day Fall Challenge Facebook group was the spark Lori needed at the perfect time.
“Having this group for accountability gave me focus and determination; it also made me stronger, healthier, and the weight started to fall off. I began to love myself once again. I worked on personal development in this group for a bigger purpose than just meeting a number on the scale. In a time where we were all stuck at home and alone, I had a group of like-minded people to engage with about health and fitness, and I made a lot of Isagenix friends.”
Lori says that she has had a lot of fun during the last four months, working on her mind, body, and soul.
“I am a happier person now thanks to these products, and I am so delighted with my new toned body. These past few months have created new habits such as power walking, Instagram weight workouts, and home yoga.”
Lori has also finally met her lifelong desire to become more plant–based focused and hasn’t had any red meat since September! “I couldn’t have done it without the Isagenix whole blend shakes!”
“Thank you, Isagenix: I have more energy all day long, my skin looks brighter, I sleep like a baby, and I can’t walk by a mirror without looking at myself! You have relit the spark I knew was still inside, and I am now encouraged to share my light with others.”
No, thank you, Lori!
Be one of our next Canada IsaBody Challenge Finalists!
Inspired by these incredible stories? We certainly are. Register for your own IsaBody Challenge today, and discover how you can transform your life in 16 weeks.
* Weight loss, muscle gain, lifestyle, and other results depicted here reflect exceptional individual experiences and should not be construed as typical or average. Participants in a 2016 study showed weight loss of 24 pounds after 12 weeks of the cleansing and fat-burning system. Results vary with individual effort, body composition, eating patterns, time, exercise, and other factors. If you are pregnant, nursing, diabetic, on medication, have a medical condition, or on a weight control program, consult your physician before beginning any fitness plan or attempting to lose weight.