Presenting Your 2019 IsaBody Challenge U.S. Grand Prize Winner and Runner-Up!
This year at New Year Kick Off, we’re leaving resolutions behind because we’re all about results. And what’s one result we know you couldn’t wait to hear? Who we named [...]
7 Tips for Staying in Shape This Holiday Season
So, you're on a roll -- exercising regularly, watching what you eat, and smiling at your hard-earned results in the mirror -- and then the holidays hit. Disaster, right? NOPE! [...]
Learning to Take Care of Himself: Mark’s IsaBody Story
It’s often the case that those who dedicate their lives to taking care of others can overlook taking care of themselves. Around the time Mark had this realization, he was introduced to Isagenix. It didn’t take long for Mark to begin feeling and seeing results. But more importantly, he discovered that he could be both a champion for others and a champion for himself.
A Dream Fulfilled – One Triathlete’s Transformation
At 48 years old, Colleen was not who she wanted to be. Overweight, unhealthy, and living in fear of aging, she began to feel like a failure. As a public speaker and teacher, she encouraged others to live healthy, but she wasn’t taking her own advice.
Finalist Conquers Lifelong Battle With Failure, Emerges Victorious!
Have you ever given up on a diet regime because you didn’t see results fast enough? That’s how Julie’s numerous attempts to lose weight inevitably ended. At 288 pounds, Julie was hurting – emotionally and physically – but she was setting herself up for failure before she even started by giving herself permission to quit if she didn’t see instant results.
Finding Body Love: A Finalist’s IsaBody Story
Amber struggled with yo-yo dieting for almost 20 years. After moving to a new city across the country, she was ready to make a change. She and her fiancé made the commitment together to live a happier and healthier life. Soon after, they were introduced to Isagenix. With the IsaBody Challenge® community, she found the support she was looking for. She felt encouraged and inspired in her journey every day, and over the course of three Challenges, she’s lost 22 pounds and has put on lean muscle!*
Summer’s Coming. Are You Ready?
Sun, sand, pools, and parties…sounds like a good time, right? If you ask us, it also sounds like the perfect recipe for summer! We know what you’re thinking. Spring has just sprung, so who’s thinking about summer already? More people than you think! Now is prime time for summer planning and we’ve got the tools to make sure you’re ready.
Switch It Up With These 400- to 600-Calorie Recipes
Whether it’s consuming dairy-free foods and drinks, choosing to lead a plant-based lifestyle, or packing in protein, many of us have modified our nutritional intake in some way, shape, or [...]
From Twice Her Size to Triathlete
After starting a family and focusing all her energy on her kids and family business, Dawn Bartolini noticed her weight increasing. She tried many different weight loss programs but didn’t have much success. A friend introduced her to Isagenix, and Dawn took to the products immediately. Years after her first shake, Dawn is down 100 pounds and has maintained her weight loss!